Bele Obbattu/Holige/puran poli - Whole wheat stuffed sweet bread Dal recipes Festive food Indian food recipes Indian recipes Indian sweets obbattu Sweets Wheat +
Mango Rice Recipe - Mavinkai Chitranna Breakfast Dal recipes Fruits Indian food recipes Indian recipes Mango Rice +
Coconut Pilaf Biriyani and Pilaf Indian curries Indian food recipes Indian recipes Rice Vegan Recipes Vegetarian +
Mini cranberry oreo cheesecakes! Cakes Cookies/Bars/Pies/Puddings Cranberry Cream Cheese Dessert Indian food recipes Indian recipes +
Besan laddoo - Chickpea flour and sugar balls Festive food Indian food recipes Indian recipes Lentils Sweets +
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Grilled cumin chicken caesar salad Chicken Indian food recipes Indian recipes Lettuce Pepper/Capsicum Salad Tomato +
Alive and kickin green cupcakes Buttercream frosting Cakes Cupcakes Dessert Egg Indian food recipes Indian recipes +
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