Lattice pie crust

I made this for a mini pie, you may do the same for a larger pie too.

Roll out the pie crust dough (Pie crust recipe here) to a flat bread about 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick. 

Cut them into even strips, the size you want.

Once the pie is filled with the bottom crust, and the filling, its time to do our lattice pattern.

Place dough strips over the filling parallel to each other.Exactly half way horizontal, fold every other one of the dough strips back.

Place a strip of dough next to the folded back strips, perpendicular to the rest of the strips.

Pull back or unfold the strips so that they lay over the new strip.  
Now, fold back the other strips (those that run underneath the newly placed strip).

Place down another strip in an intersection pattern and unfold the folded strips so that they lay over the newly place strip. 

Repeat, placing down a strip at a time and weaving as you go.

Once you get a hang of it, you will feel so excited you accomplished something great!

Trim off the excess at the edges and seal off into a decorative pattern.  Enjoy!