You blink and he is 14! Time sure flies...
It seems like yesterday this child was taking his first steps, just in time for his first birthday. He is so full of energy, and it hasn't diminished one bit. He is caring and loving, not afraid to show his affection or anger. He speaks his mind and is a joy to have around!
Now he is tall, and I look like a little puppy next to him. He gives the best hugs and helps me around the house. We have our fights and tantrums, but I would not have it any other way. I love you dear Prathu, forever and always...
OK, so he loves black forest cake, and he is 14, so I used a rectangular bake pan, and cut out the number, soaked and frosted it with cherry syrup, cherry pie pilling and whipped cream. Topped it with a lot of chocolate :-) That is how his birthday went...
Black forest cake recipe here, enjoy!